Finances in Germany

Investment / Insurance / Retirement

Who pays You when You get sick in DE?

A few Months ago an old client called me with a very bad news.

He has a brain tumor.

Although the situation was sad, I could give him a good message – no matter what – he doesn‘t have to worry about the financial situation of his family!

Why not?

10 years ago, this Client came to me at the recommendation of his best Friend. After our first talk, it was already clear to him that if he would get sick, so that he would be unable to work, he would be very fast in big financial troubles.

First, it was not clear to him that his employer pays him just 6 weeks for sickness leave. After 6 weeks, pays him his health insurance (Krankenkasse) further BUT just maximum 70% of his netto salary and for a maximum of 36 months. After this, he has just a right to apply for SocialHelp (so called Harz IV).

Second, it was also not clear to him that when he is not able to do ANY WORK, not even 1 hour a day, no matter of his level of education or experience FIRST then he has a right to get some incapacity pension from the Deutscherentenversicherung.

But he can get this just after working in DE longer than 3 years. The amount of incapacity pension depends on how long he has worked in DE not on how much he has earned.

The third „hot situation“ would have affected his wife if he would die.

Although they are married, it was for less than 10 years and without children; so if he dies, she has a right to get a widow‘s pension but just for one year. If they would have children, then she would get the money just until the children are working or finish their studies, until they are 25 years old at the latest. And the pension money, in best case scenario, would be also only around 60% of his salary.

But You know the Germans, for each of these cases they have solutions, and because 10 years ago the Client was healthy we obtained for him the following:

  1. „KrankenTageGeld – DailySickMoney“: it is a quite small and cheap insurance that pays the „missing“ 30% of salary for as long as the client is sick or max. 36 months.
  2. „Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung – Occupational disability insurance“ – here You have a deal with an insurance company: You tell them how much money (max. 70% of Your Brutto salary) You need if You are not able to practice in Your profession ( for example, You cannot work as the Diplom.-Ing.) and for how long You want to get the money- (min. until 63 years old, max. until 70 years old)- ( this is the age bracket within which You must retire in DE). So the company insures You with Berufsunfähigkeitsrente, and You get it when You are not able to do 51% of Your job in Your profession. An additional note, Your doctor(s) decide if You are sick or not – not an employer from the gesetzlicher Rentenversicherung. And if You get the Berufsunfähigkeitsrente / disability pension, You can use it and live all over the world.
  3. „Risikolebensversicherung – risk life insurance“ if there is somebody in Your life who, after Your death, would have financial problems or You have to pay the mortgage back, then is a risk life insurance a „must have“.

The tumor is has been cut away..

My client has have had months of ergo and speech therapy. In this time, thanks to our talk for 10 years, he had  his full netto salary -70% from the Krankenkasse and 30% from the insurance.

Because since the operation he has problems with concentration and cannot move his left hand, we applied 2 months ago for the Berufunfähigkeitsrente – disability pension- the acknowledgement and the money came already last week. So know he has every month around 90% of his old salary. He has time for his family, hobbies and getting health.

Yes, it is not nice to be seriously sick, but it is worse to be poor because of being sick.

And in DE, it is Your decision if You take precautions for the „worst case“.

The markets go Up and Down – should I invest? How? When?

Right now, when You look at the investment markets, You can get a feeling like being on a rollercoaster – You feel hope (finally they go up) then seconds later, disappointment (going down again).

SO, what do You do if You have money and want to invest it? 

There are 2 ways You can still make good and healthy investments:

Nr. 1 – the HEDGEHEOG strategy works perfectly right now. When You look at this small animal, You see a lot of needles. Even if one of the needles would be broken off, there are a lot of other needles remaining to  protect the animal.
The same is true with investing. When you buy a lot of funds from different investment houses and from different investment targets, then Your chance, because of the diversity, to make a good win is a very good one.
Nr. 2 – Cost- Average- Effect: None of us has a crystal ball to see the future, so if You say to Yourself – I will invest every month the same amount of money in the same funds, then some months You will buy a lot of a fund’s shares (because in this moment they are cheap) and other months You will buy less shares (because they are expensive). In the end, the market fluctuations average out. But when the markets go up and You invested in the „bad times“, then You have a lot of shares that make You rich in this moment!
Do not wait- Invest NOW – but in small amounts regularly and diversely.
And don’t forget:  
Crises happen – the smart person does not wait; the smart person prepares today- then receives profits tomorrow!

I am just moving in Germany. What an insurances I need?

You know the Germans loves the rules and insurances, so what do You need, when You move in?:

  1. HEALTH INSURANCE- KRANKENVERSICHERUNG – it is a duty in Germany to be health insured. When You are employed – your employer must take care about it. If You are a self-employed You have to take care about it. If You are a tourist You should have an insurances for foreigners staying in Germany.
  2. HAFTPFLICHTVERSICHERUNG- costs around 60€ per Year for the family. A really MUST HAVE. The most important insurances in DE. The insurance pay if You broke / hurt something or somebody or make shit. Specially if You rent a flat with furnitures, it has to be in this insurance extra insured!
  3. HUNDEHAFTPFLICHT- the only duty insurance in some regions from Germany. It is just for the dogs owners. It pays if: because of the dog acting, somebody gets hurt or something get destroyed.
  4. KFZ HAFTPFLICHT – without it You cannot register a car in DE. This is the insurance that pays somebody if You makes the damage at other people or cars.
  5. HAUSRATVERSICHERUNG – it reimbursed every think what is in Your home, if it is stolen or burned or destroyed from water. Here is Your bicycle insured BUT let it additionally the insurances company know, that Your bicycle should be in. I recommend but it is not “ must have“.





This insurance is paying Your lawyer and a court costs.

Theoretically totally easy, but really in Germany is nothing easy. Specially in insurances world. The typically insurance has a 4 sections:

PRIVAT – for private things.

BERUF – for everything what has to do with your profession.

VERKEHR – traffic, no matter if car, or plane or bicycle or on feet or train or what ever

IMMOBILIE – property or as an owner or as a renter.

Privat – when You have stress with somebody, like for example: Your 3 years old daughter has been hurt in the hospital. To get some compensation you need a lawyer. Your travel office sold You a trip that was terrible, You need a lawyer. You downloded something from internet and now You got a bill over hundreds of €, you need a lawyer.

Beruf – almost everything what has to do with You as employer. When Your boss doesn’t want to give You free or a home office, or You got a not fair termination from Your employment contract, or what ever has to do with Your job.

Verkehr – traffic, movement, traveling. Doesn’t matter how with what and from where to where, it is about to have somebody at Your side when You need a help. And the insurance pays for it.


What is it? When I need that?

The Hausrat – what is in home in – Versicherung – insurance!

This insurance is quite easy.

The insurance company gives You the money, if everything or a part what is in Your home:

would be STOLEN or

from WATER destroyed or

form FIRE destroyed.

Insured is everything what is loose in Your home ( if flat or house).

Mostly is also a bicycle in this insurance insured. It has to be extra insured.

TO invest ? or NOT TO invest? -now?

To invest right now or to wait – that is a QUESTION.

Right now the politic, social, human situation in EU is very strained. 

Few weeks ago, we got the first messages, that at the pandemie – the controll / end is „just in touch“. That the economic and mood are having better. 

And then – the Russian attack at Ukraina. 

Unbelievable and still true, and the breathless hours of – what is gone happened KNOW, in next. The West countries decisions, the sanctions, the „Russia Stop“ movement, the war in Ukraina.

But and And still the life goes on. And still many of my clients, ask me and them selfs:

Should I now invest the money at the capital market?

And if Yes – where? – how?

Well the „practical wisdom“ is ask. 

A few rules about that:

  • would You bet, ALL your to invest money, at one horse, at one run? No way! You are  not stupid! You would try to make as many runs, with different horses, and different places as possible. The same is with a good investment. You should have many different funds / stocks. Then is the risk to loos much lower and the possibility to make the good wins, much higher. And at the end if You have for an ex. 10 funds and few of them are making a minus – it is always a question, how big plus was made from others. An average makes it!
  • Think about it, what the people could need, what are right know the future issues. Right know are it, for ex. ecological environment, saving water, renew energy.  And does are the trades where You can invest.
  • Think in which countries went out of the pandemic, as a winner. For ex. New Zealand, South Korea, Vietnam
  • And then the „gold rule“, to invest when the markets are down. Ok this moment to catch is very difficult, here makes more sense to divided the money in small groups ( for ex. each a two thousand €) and keep a discipline to make it few months in the same funds. So in You have a better possibility to catch a good moment.

So for me Yes, know it is a good moment to one-time investment!


Haft -liable Pflicht – duty Versicherung – insurance

In Germany from that moment, when You are older as 14, you are always responsible for a damages that You did. It doesn’t matter if it is at THINGS ( Sachschaden) or PERSON (Personenschaden) or ASSETS ( Vermögen).

For Example: You ignored the red light at the pedestrian walk and a car has to brake, destroyed a traffic lamp and a car driver is also hurt.

Who pays for all the damaged and the „lost earn money“ for the driver?

You Do!

That is why the Haftpflichtversicehrung is a „must have“ in German.

BUT You know the Germans love it, when it is complicated so this one is also for me the Number 1, under the complicates insurances in Germany. What from my point of view and after 17 years in job, has to be „in“:

  1. The insured sum: minimum 10.000.000€ in all 3 parts – Sachschaden / Personenschaden / Vermögensschaden / .
  2. Forderungsausfall– it means MY insurance pays me, when somebody made a damaged to me and didn´t have a Haftpflichtiversicherung. For example a bicycle driver pushed You at the street, You broke complicated Your arm. This person has no insurance – then Yours pays You the „pain money“. And the best is, You don’t have to take care, how to get the money from this person – Your insurance does it.
  3. Gefälligkeitsschaden: mostly when you help a friend by moving out, You don`t think about it, who would pay for a damaged that You did with his coach at the wall. Well here started to be complicated, because You did it as favour for Your friend. And then all insurances could say- not our problem. Because Your friend gave You the responsibility for the coach, to You – so his doesn´t have to pay. And Yours can say, it was Your a favour for Your friend, and not Your coach.
  4. Vermietete Mobiliar in fremden Zimmer– beweglich und unbewegliche: a glass of red wine, can cost You a lot of money, it You keep it a the wall in some rent room. Because for cleaning it or renovating the room, You have to pay. And in this moment You don´t want to found out, that Your insurance pays just for not movable stuff.

Why this Blog?

As I moved to the DE 20 years ago, I had a knowledge about the financial and economical world but 0 knowledge about the products and possibilities in DE.

In year 2005, I started to work as a financial advertiser for SwissLife-Select, so I learned also about the products.

And then I noticed that all the Expats and Foreigner who comes to DE are mostly very lost in the „must have and don’t need“ of German insurance, credits, retirement products, capital, investment, funds, savings plans and real estate loan.

That is what for this Block is for – to found the honest and simply explanation for all the products that are at the German market. Of course as trade representative from SwissLife-Select I do sell those products and live from it, but here I try just to explain what are they good for it, what is „should have“ what not, and how it all works – or not. If you then decide to hold from me the advisory – it is ok. If not – it is ok 😀 .

Who is Dominika Czerniawska-Gastmann?

She is 43 years old, directly, polish.

Married 20 years with a german husband, lives in the near from Hannover.

She has friends all over the Europe and and some other parts of world.

Loves to laugh, hates complicated and tends to „big sister“ acting.