Haft -liable Pflicht – duty Versicherung – insurance

In Germany from that moment, when You are older as 14, you are always responsible for a damages that You did. It doesn’t matter if it is at THINGS ( Sachschaden) or PERSON (Personenschaden) or ASSETS ( Vermögen).

For Example: You ignored the red light at the pedestrian walk and a car has to brake, destroyed a traffic lamp and a car driver is also hurt.

Who pays for all the damaged and the „lost earn money“ for the driver?

You Do!

That is why the Haftpflichtversicehrung is a „must have“ in German.

BUT You know the Germans love it, when it is complicated so this one is also for me the Number 1, under the complicates insurances in Germany. What from my point of view and after 17 years in job, has to be „in“:

  1. The insured sum: minimum 10.000.000€ in all 3 parts – Sachschaden / Personenschaden / Vermögensschaden / .
  2. Forderungsausfall– it means MY insurance pays me, when somebody made a damaged to me and didn´t have a Haftpflichtiversicherung. For example a bicycle driver pushed You at the street, You broke complicated Your arm. This person has no insurance – then Yours pays You the „pain money“. And the best is, You don’t have to take care, how to get the money from this person – Your insurance does it.
  3. Gefälligkeitsschaden: mostly when you help a friend by moving out, You don`t think about it, who would pay for a damaged that You did with his coach at the wall. Well here started to be complicated, because You did it as favour for Your friend. And then all insurances could say- not our problem. Because Your friend gave You the responsibility for the coach, to You – so his doesn´t have to pay. And Yours can say, it was Your a favour for Your friend, and not Your coach.
  4. Vermietete Mobiliar in fremden Zimmer– beweglich und unbewegliche: a glass of red wine, can cost You a lot of money, it You keep it a the wall in some rent room. Because for cleaning it or renovating the room, You have to pay. And in this moment You don´t want to found out, that Your insurance pays just for not movable stuff.